Hunting Season 2022

Deer hunting season is upon us! Archery kicks things off this Saturday, October 1.

A few notes:

  • The last few years we only took in boneless trim, but this year we are going to take a limited amount of whole carcasses! Be prepared with a backup plan in case you show up and we’ve already hit our limit.
  • We are taking only whole carcasses or boneless trim. No bone-in chunks or quarters.  
  • Archery hunters – Make sure to remove your broadheads (sharp metal arrow tips) or let us know if they are still inside the carcass! Those are not what our cutters are wanting to suddenly come upon..
  • Please make sure to get your deer to us asap so the meat is still good – if the temperature outside is warm especially! We will not have any special drop off hours, so have a plan to get your meat cold right away if we’re not open.
  • Come on in to the store/front office where we will get your information and cutting instructions. We do require a deposit on deer processing. If you are dropping whole carcasses you may then drive around back and we can help you unload. 
  • After you drop off your deer we will get it processed and give you a call when it’s done. Depending on what options you choose and how many deer we get in, and our other work load, it may take some time to get the sausages and jerky made. 
  • Some of your choices include:
    • *Saving the hide, caping head for mount 
    • *Steaks, roasts, chops, stew meat. Any of these are subject to loss depending on the wound location and other factors. Whatever cuts you don’t want will add to your ground/sausage.
    • *Jerky
    • *Dried Venison
    • *Ground:  As is (ground venison only), ground w/ beef, ground w/ pork, ground w/ suet
    • *Sausages: Snack Sticks: regular or w/ cheese & peppers (new this year!), Summer Sausage: regular, w/ cheese, or w/ cheese & peppers, Brats, Italian Sausage, Polish, Ring Bologna, Landjaeger, Weiners. These items have pork added which will add to your total weight of product received, the pork is an additional charge. On the cooked items: weights are prior to cooking. Some loss occurs during the cooking process. 

To see our price list click here.

We hope you have a safe and productive hunting season this year!